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K.H. Nguyen, E.C. Rynkiewicz, D.J. Civitello. Accepted. Simulating parasite transmission and epidemics using contact networks. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education.

K.H. Nguyen†, P.H. Boersch-Supan†, R.B. Hartman, S.Y. Mendiola, V.J. Harwood, D.J. Civitello, J.R. Rohr. 2021. Interventions can shift the thermal optimum for parasitic disease transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118: e2017537118. Article link.


Justin T. Nguyen§, David J. Civitello, Karena H. Nguyen. 2020. Evaluating environmental drivers of disease outbreaks from seasonal trends. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 16: Practice #1. Article link.


Devin Jones, David Davila§, K.H. Nguyen, and Jason R. Rohr. 2020. Effect of agrochemical exposure on Schistosoma mansoni cercariae survival and activity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 1421-1428. Article link.


Erin L. Sauer, Jeremy M. Cohen, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Taegan A. McMahon, David J. Civitello, Sarah A. Knutie, K.H. Nguyen, Elizabeth A. Roznik, Brittany F. Sears, Scott Bessler, Bryan K. Delius, Neal Halstead, Nicole Ortega, Matthew D. Venesky, Suzanne Young, and Jason R. Rohr. 2020. A meta-analysis reveals temperature, dose, life stage, and taxonomy influence host susceptibility to a fungal parasite. Ecology 101: e02979. PDF


K.H. Nguyen, B.J. Gemmell, J.R. Rohr. 2020. Effects of temperature and viscosity on miracidial and cercarial movement of Schistosoma mansoni: ramifications for disease transmission. International Journal for Parasitology 50:153-159. PDF​


Jason R. Rohr, David J. Civitello, Bryan Delius, Meggan E. Craft, Giulio DeLeo, Peter J. Hudson, Nicolas Jouanard, Karena H. Nguyen, Richard S. Ostfeld, Justin V. Remais, Gilles Riveau, Sanna Sokolow, David Tilman. 2019. Interactions between Feeding 11 Billion People and Infectious Diseases. Nature Sustainability 2:445–456. PDF


Jeremy M. Cohen, Taegan A. McMahon, Chloe Ramsay, Elizabeth A. Roznik, Erin L. Sauer, Scott Bessler, David J. Civitello, Bryan K. Delius, Neal Halstead, Sarah A. Knutie, K.H. Nguyen, Nicole Ortega, Brittany Sears, Matthew D. Venesky, Suzanne Young, Jason R. Rohr. 2019. Impacts of thermal mismatches on disease prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation and latitude. Ecology Letters 22:817-825. PDF


K.H. Nguyen, C. Senay, S. Young, B. Nayak, A. Lobos, J. Conrad, and V.J. Harwood. 2018. Determination of Wild Animal Sources of Fecal Indicator Bacteria by Microbial Source Tracking (MST) Influences Regulatory Decisions. Water Research 144: 424-434. PDF

E.M. Symonds, K.H. Nguyen, V.J. Harwood, M. Breitbart. 2018. Pepper mild mottle virus: A plant pathogen with a greater purpose in (waste)water treatment development and public health management. Water Research 144: 1-12. PDF

N.T. Halstead, C.M. Hoover, A. Arakala, D.J. Civitello, G.A. De Leo, M. Gambhir, S.A. Johnson, N. Jouanard, K.A. Loerns, T.A. McMahon, R.A. Ndione, K. H. Nguyen, T.R. Raffel, J.V. Remais, G. Riveau, S.H. Sokolow, and J.R. Rohr. 2018. Agrochemicals increase risk of human schistosomiasis by supporting higher densities of intermediate hosts. Nature Communications 9:837. PDF

W. Ahmed, V.J. Harwood, K. H. Nguyen, S. Young, K. Hamilton, S. Toze. 2016. Utility of Helicobacter spp. Associated GFD Markers for Detecting Avian Fecal Pollution in Environmental Waters of Two Continents. Water Research 88:613-622. PDF


†these authors contributed equally

§denotes undergraduate author

Eating a birthday cupcake in the field.
2017 Best Scientific Talk at the annual Southeastern Branch American Society for Microbiology meeting.
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